Friday, April 18, 2008

Ahhh you would'nt think this little angel in a frilly frock is Pongo Wiffkins

Hiya handsome! I love your pictures on here, !!wow!! @ the picture of your leg. Your mother is gorgeous, although I'm not surprised! As soon as my other computer is set up, I will add some new photos too. I'll be back, consider yourself warned. =)

Thursday, April 17, 2008


this is stick figure kane, he is saying ook but u cant see it :[

hai :]

hiya papa bear! i made some stick figures of u, ill post them here :D i love ur pictures, but not as much as i love u papa bear!!! lol :D

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My leg after playing with bloomin big wagons and the like :O/

The Bear still gets sangrya about it }:O(

But its ok, I have another one :O)


Ratskallion woman found harrasing men in the bush in the outback.
Before she was deported.

Reward: A cheery smile :O)

Me on film set

This is me on a film set at Blackness castle in Scotland.

Try to behave on this most distinguished of blogg sites m'kay

This is a photo from Singapore, my mum took it. Before she was evicted.